Corrupt Dunlops Police in Hampshirea website exposing corrupt police serving in Hampshire Constabulary
PS Sam Dunlop and PC Matt Dunlop
proven liars, law manipulators, law evaders, paid for by you!

Inspector Pauline Pilkington and Sergeant Sam Dunlop colluded to generate a false arrest.

Inspector Pauline Pilkington of Surrey Police has lied, committed perjury and generated a false arrest, assisted by Sergeant Samantha Dunlop of Hampshire Police.

On 16th April I was arrested by Hampshire Constabulary for an assault on a woman I had never met before. This assault never occurred. I was charged with assault and section 4a breach of the peace (this means causing direct harassment, alarm and distress). Subsequently prosecution and defence witness statements nor a local CCTV camera supported these outrageous lies.

I discover a week after the assault allegation that the woman who made these claims, a Miss Pauline Pilkington, is in fact an inspector with Surrey Police, she was or is still working at the National Police Improvement Agency, NPIA. This fantasy assault was reported by her friend Sam Dunlop, a Sergeant with Hampshire Constabulary. An officer known by the Professional Standards Department as an individual with a propensity to lie, someone of whom the PSD have written ‘has failed to meet the minimum standards required of an officer’.

After dropping (without explanation) the claims of assault and 4a BOP, the Police and CPS introduced a new allegation of section 5 BOP (this is doing something that could cause harassment, alarm or distress to a third party / passer-by).

After many weeks and court hearing meetings where the CPS fail to deliver full disclosure to the defence (me) the CPS eventually decide to drop the final section 5 allegation against me. The Police failed to provide the CCTV data and disciplinary and conduct records of Pilkington and Dunlop to the CPS and the defence, even thought instructed to from a judge who had seized (taken over) this case from magistrates. One wonders what the Police had to hide!

It is very clear that the assault was carried out by Pilkington on me (and not the other way around), that the CCTV evidence supports that and that additionally the disciplinary and conduct records of Pilkington and Dunlop are not something that the Police wanted to get into the hands of the public.

Soon after my false arrest I requested to Alex Marshall’s office (chief constable of Hampshire) that both Pilkington and Dunlop be arrested. I also wrote to the Director of Public Prosecutions that there is every reason to believe that a malicious arrest had been actioned against me.

Now that the case is finished due to CPS discontinuance notice, I have written to the DPP, the heads of Surrey and Hampshire Police, the PSD and the Judge. I have been contacted by the PSD and CPS and investigations will start soon.

I have as will be seen elsewhere on this website totally lost faith in how the PSD (whom we employ to assure and maintain professional standards in the Police) manage their process. I expect, as previously, with my case and others, they ‘investigate’ over a long period of time, use up lots more of my time and others to eventually give totally ineffective ‘operational advice’ to guilty officers. I expect that the officers in this case will hide behind the fact that they were off-duty even thought they clearly influenced their on-duty colleagues to make an arrest, even though we expect the behaviour of Police officers off duty to be the same as those on-duty, i.e. for them to act with integrity and honesty. Even though the Police code of conduct is in effect when they are off-duty.

Previously I had as a naive courtesy to ongoing investigation held back from publication of the facts and data to hand, this time I will not. The Constabularies ‘shoot first ask questions later’ arrest and retention policy and the continued failed management and protective practices of the Police and the PSD leads me to believe they do not deserve that respect. In fact their focus seem to me to bluntly smother justice and the truth, I therefore openly publish. The public, as ever, can make up their own minds. (I publish full and further details on this case soon). All information on this page and this website should be considered to be my opinion only. But I will help the reader decide whether my opinion is fact and truth by publishing related documentation from other sources, including the prosecution. Unlike the Police, who take words and hearsay as being evidence, I will deal with and publish facts.

The following is copy of the letter I have sent to the relevant authorities. A letter I expect to have no impact whatsoever, even though my family and I were abused, justice was abused and the CPS and judiciary were abused by the actions of two off-duty policewomen and the actions of Hampshire Police.


Mark Rowley, Chief Constable of Surrey Police

Alex Marshall, Chief Constable of Hampshire Police

Kier Starmer, Director of Public Prosecutions

Her honour Judge Arnold


Stan Evans, Chapel Road, Soberton, Hampshire, SO32 3PP

 6th September 2011

 My File Ref: complaint 6 Sept 2011.pdf

 A serious malicious criminal prosecution has occurred due to false allegations made by two off-duty policewomen.

  • Inspector Pauline Pilkington of Surrey Police has lied, committed perjury and generated a false arrest, assisted by Sergeant Samantha Dunlop of Hampshire Police

  • The Police and CPS have conspired to create a malicious criminal prosecution.

  •  Her honour Judge Arnold and the judiciary were treated with contempt by the Police and the CPS.

On 16th April this year I was falsely arrested for assault and section 4a breach of the peace. (case number 441100277309)

This serious assault accusation was made Pauline Pilkington (off duty Surrey policewoman) and Samantha Dunlop (off duty Hampshire policewoman). Pilkington claimed that I (Stan Evans) assaulted her!

The Police based their reason for arrest of me on three witness statements. One from Pauline Pilkington, an off duty inspector working for Surrey Constabulary / the NPIA, Samantha Dunlop, an off duty  sergeant at Hampshire Constabulary currently I believe at the 101 call centre in Netley, and Genette Darley, the sister of Pilkington.

Pilkington lied about the assault, she clearly states in her prosecution witness statement that I grabbed her arm and spun her around in the road. I never touched her at any point. Her statement is not open to misinterpretation by any party; she clearly states in writing under a signed statement truth and describes an assault by me (Evans) on her. As requested the day after my arrest (by me to Alex Marshall’s office) for this false allegation Pauline Pilkington an Inspector with Surrey Police should be immediately arrested for these actions. (I did not know at that time she was an off-duty police officer)

Dunlop called the Police to report the ‘crime’ after lengthy discussion (witnesses by Evans and Butler) with Pilkington and Darley. Dunlop, Darley and my partner Susan Butler were all present at the exchange between Pilkington and I where she comes over the road to the foot of our driveway with intent to cause an affray.

Dunlop was also verbally abusive to me and my partner.

Dunlop (as prosecution witness), Darley (as prosecution witness) and Butler (as defence witness) all knew that a crime did not occur.

Local CCTV footage does also not support the assault.

Dunlop called the police to report a crime she knew not to have occurred.

Dunlop is known by the PSD as having a propensity to not tell the truth to the Police or CPS. The PSD have also reported in the past that Dunlop has failed to meet the minimum standards required of an officer.

Subsequently the assault and section 4aBOP accusations were dropped against me and a new accusation of section 5 BOP created and levelled against me.  At a later date those section 5a BOP accusations were dropped.

These final accusations were dropped by the CPS after the Police had failed to provide full disclosure as requested (twice by Evans and at least one by CPS under direction from a judge)

There are very strong grounds here to believe that a malicious criminal prosecution has occurred.

This has potentially injured my reputation in that I have attended open court four times in the course of this matter and could be publically identified.

This has additionally at the incident and during the consequent eight hours retention in a cell at a police station plus regular attendance to court caused me and my family substantial harassment alarm and distress.

I had previously written to the DPP informing them that from facts to-hand a malicious criminal prosecution occurred in this case. I have previously requested to Hampshire Chief Constable’s office that both Pilkington and Dunlop be arrested and investigated; in response a Sergeant Pitfield from the PSD has been assigned, we have provisionally agreed to meet on Wednesday 14th September but I believe the accusations and my and the courts subsequent treatment warrant that appropriate investigations be directed and overseen from the most senior level.

I am requesting:

  •  That Hampshire Constabulary and Surrey Constabulary take immediate and appropriate action against the officers directly involved in these false allegations

  •  That Hampshire Constabulary initiates an investigation to determine if a malicious arrest and prosecution did occur.

  • That Hampshire Constabulary reveal to the CPS, the judiciary and I why disclosure was not made.

Stan Evans, Fieldhouse, Chapel Road, Soberton Heath, Hampshire, SO32 3PP